Bootcamp Fabricademy - Armenia 05/2024

Great experience to take part at the Fabricademy Bootcamp in Armenia with an international group of Designers, Artists and Scientists. Hard schedule with a minimum of eight hours workshops per day but also great opportunities to learn about traditional an futuristic techniques in the field of costume & textile design as well as new aproaches in fiber art with new technologies and materials.


Work Sample "Red Thread"

Textiles, Tapestries, Tondis, Figures & Fabric, Structures & Material
Artwork with textile structures combined with paintings, prints, objects and installations
PDF-Dokument [13.1 MB]

Work Sample "Tipping Points of Nature"

A Puddle of Endlessness - Nature, History and the Moon
In Preparation of the Artist Residency - Arctic Expedition Smalbord/Spitsbergen
PDF-Dokument [7.3 MB]

Work Sample for the C.A.R. at Zeche Zollverein, Essen

Battle Erasement F*u Warship - Sanguinetto - Cat Cam Reloaded
Works on Plexi-Glass
PDF-Dokument [13.0 MB]


The topic of UPinARMS was the critical examination of the arms business. Through artistic approaches, historical conditions, economic and political entanglements in the arms trade and its extent and ambivalences should be made aesthetically and physically tangible.

"Art in the Underground" is a competition for artists announced by the New Society of Fine Arts. Drafts for subway stations in Berlin were to be submitted - as an alternative to the advertising posters on the back tracks.

Kunst im Untergrund UpinArms.pdf
PDF-Dokument [4.9 MB]

Work Sample: The Slash of War

As the great exhibition Fantastic Women in the Schirn 2020 highlighted, it has a long tradition for female visual artists to get involved socially and politically. For her work, the boundaries between art forms such as painting, writing, documenting and taking photos are fluid. The project of three artists/ journalists Zehra Dogan – Barbara Schober - Asya Umarowa is also linked to this tradition.

Work Samples: Intermission Projects

Proposal for AIR BERLIN
Schober_Barbara_Proposal_Villa Heike_neu[...]
PDF-Dokument [4.6 MB]

CONCEPT for an PopUp Art Event with Intermission

PROPOSAL for the Intermission Poster Project 2019

Virtual Installation "Freiheit für Mallappien", Relief work

Since March 2019 I am a member of the Intermission Collective Berlin - in this proposal you can find some ideas and associations concerning the term "intermission".

PROPOSAL for the Intermission group exhibition "function.anomy" - 2019

Concept for "function.anomy" - Intermission Project Berlin
PDF-Dokument [3.9 MB]

Work Sample: SSA Edinburgh

Work Sample: Exhibition Concept - Ionion ART Center Kefalonia

Exhibition and artVisit Project - concept
Kefalonia_exhibition barbara_schober_2.8[...]
PDF-Dokument [2.7 MB]

Work Sample: Regionale

Proposal Regionale Freiburg de/en
PDF-Dokument [2.0 MB]

Work Sample: Kosmos Lem - Centenary of Stanislaw Lem - 2021

2021 was the centenary of Stanislaw Lem's birth and one reason to remember my interview with him in Krakow - long time ago :-) and reason enough to take part in the project "Kosmos Lem - ART in Public Space" (Draft and Virtual Testinstallation RZ Potsdam)

The Star Driver on Planet Circia, Odyssey of the Pilot Pirx, The Mental Hospital for Robots (logbook Machina X 1-3) - quotes and video stills from my interview with Stanislaw Lem in Krakow for the ARD web project "Machina X"


„Erinnerungen an schwimmende Hölderlintürme … Besuche ertrunkener Schreiner bei diesen tauchenden Worten“ Paul Celan

Work Sample: Hölderlin - Art in Public Space - Light Projection

Invisible during the day, but in the dark a transparent, apparently “crazy”, enigmatic appearance - as little fixed as our memories.