Personal Info
Barbara Schober is a German visual artist. Her work covers a broad range of various media. With ancient techniques and material experiments, she sets a counterpoint to the pervasive digital world. The focus is on liminal areas, precarious balances and pivotal moments in photography, sculpture, film and painting. (Katharina Rohmeder, Art Historian M.A.) Further informations on Wikipedia.
Some personal bytes
"Socialized by Brothers Grimm, I am a cinema addict and a Tarantino and Monty Python Fan.
My studio is located in the rural region between Black Forest and Swabian Siberia (South of Germany) - where behind every tree you can watch Rumpelstiltskin singing and Snow White yawning.
Besides developing new art projects every day I like flying and kung fu fighting.
Mottos: "Make small things great and scale down pompous things" - "Spin gold into straw" (reversed Rumpelstiltskin device)."
Artist Statement
-> German Version ARTIST STATEMENT - deutsche Version
After graduating (eq MFA) at the Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart on the topic “Virtual Museum”, I contributed to exhibitions and projects in Germany and
abroad, such as in Sydney (AU), Washington D. C. (USA), London & Oxford (GB), Humlebæk (DK) Durban (ZA), Panevezys & Siauliai (LTU), Kefalonia (GR) and Salerno (IT).
A great influence on my artistic development had my collaboration with Dietrich Mahlow, former director of Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, as well as the projects and interviews in the area of social
sculpture e.g. with Tim Rollins & KOS.
My artistic work was awarded with the „Donau Kunstpreis 2018“ (3rd place) a Grant of the Ionion Art Center, Kefelonia and the "Terzio Premio Sezione Pittura/Figurativo" of the Biennale Salerno (2018). My internet project for the German Public Broadcaster ARD were nominated for the Prix Europa and the Prix Italia (2002).
Personal Info (de)
Das künstlerische Werk Barbara Schobers umfasst ein breites mediales Spektrum. Mit alten handwerklichen Techniken und materialtechnischen Experimenten setzt sie einen Kontrapunkt zur alles umfassenden digitalen Welt. Ihr Interesse gilt den Zwischenbereichen, Schwebezuständen und „kritischen Punkten“ in Fotografie, Skulptur, Film und Malerei.